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Why You Shouldn't Step Out Without Your Sunglasses?

You're meticulous about slathering on that SPF 50 to safeguard your skin from the sun, but do you ever think about your bare eyes? A startling survey in 2012 revealed that less than half out of 10,000 Americans were aware of the health advantages sunglasses can offer. Furthermore, a whopping 27% confessed to never wearing them. However, this fashionable accessory is more than just a style statement - it offers critical protection for your eyes against several health issues instigated by harmful ultraviolet rays.

1. A Shield Against Skin Cancer

Surprisingly, up to 10% of all skin cancer cases are detected on the eyelid. Sunglasses act as a barrier, reducing the risk of harmful UV rays reaching this delicate area.

2. Preventing Cataracts

The World Health Organization informs us that an astonishing 900,000 people globally have lost their sight due to cataracts. This condition, which causes cloudiness in the eye lens, can be triggered by UV exposure. Your trusty pair of shades can help prevent this.

3. Staving Off Macular Degeneration

UV light can potentially damage the macula lutea over time. This part of the eye, packed with millions of light-sensing cells, allows us to see fine details clearly. Damage here could lead to blurry vision or even vision loss. Sunglasses can help you dodge this bullet.

4. Keeping Pterygium At Bay

Also known as surfer's eye, pterygium is an abnormal tissue growth that slowly extends from the corner across the white part of the eye. This can lead to inflammation or vision disturbance. Sunglasses can limit your risk.

5. Warding Off Photokeratitis

This condition, essentially a sunburn of the eye, is temporary and usually heals within 48 hours. However, it can be pretty uncomfortable, causing blurred vision, light sensitivity, and the sensation of having sand in your eye. Sunglasses are your first line of defense against this.

Note, however, that not all sunglasses are created equal. The $5 pair up for grabs on the corner can do more harm than good. Our pupils dilate behind dark lenses, which means cheap sunglasses might actually allow more damaging rays into your eyes than if you weren't wearing any at all.